General information about our Foundation
Official name of our organization: HAZÁM, HAZÁM TE MINDENEM Művészeti és Oktatási Alapítvány
Address: H-1118 Budapest, Háromszék utca 54, Hungary
Tax number: 18399996-1-43
Bank account number: UniCredit Bank 10918001 00000074 38850010
The foundation's goal is to raise awareness of classical music culture among the masses, and to attract talent and support young people in art education.
Founder of the foundation: Mrs. Judit Simándy (1934-2019)
The initial assets of the foundation are 100,000 HUF, and the profit achieved in the course of its management is used exclusively for the realization of the goals of the foundation.
The Foundation is curated by Dr. Mária Temesi
Mission of the Foundation
The Foundation pursues its mission through the following specific activities:
Our foundation is proud to have been able to assist many young (16-35 year old) talented opera singers in their career.
Charitable Donation
If you want to support young talented singers and The 'József Simándy' International Singing Competition, please donate now.
'HAZÁM, HAZÁM TE MINDENEM' Artistic and Educational Foundation
Donation directly to our bank account:
UniCredit Bank
IBAN: HU 95 10918001 00000074 38850010
PayPal inpayment: